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United States Language Culture vs. Northern Ireland Language Culture

Below are some Language Culture Differences that I have encountered within the first two days here in Belfast! I will continue to add to this list throughout my stay here in N. Ireland!

U.S.A vs. N. Ireland

1. French Fries vs. Chips

2. Pants vs. Underwear

3. Jeans vs. Trousers

4. Trash vs. Litter

5. 1st Floor vs. Ground Floor

6. 2nd Floor vs. 1st Floor

7. Math vs. Maths

8. Vacuum vs. Hoover

9. Sweater vs. Jumper

10. Professor vs. Tutor

11. Fort vs. Den

12. Cotton Candy vs. Candy Floss

13. Chips vs. Crisps

14. Loufa vs. Shower Puff

15. Excuse Me? vs. Pardon?

16. Sketchy vs. Dodge

17. Thank You vs. Cheers

18. "Knock on Wood" vs. "Tap Wood"

19. Dollar vs. Notes

20. "Z" vs. "Zed"

21. Crow vs. Magpie

22. "Whats up?" vs. "What's Craic?"

23. Dorm vs. Flat

24. Computer vs. Machine

25. Insects vs. Minibeasts

26. Son vs. Lad

27. Students vs. Pupils

28. Erasers vs. Rubbers

29. Rainboots vs. Wellies

Ladybug vs. Ladybird

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